In Automation Systems Technology we project with the most widespread automatic systems, so as to guarantee to the customer a graphical interchange that fully satisfies the specific requests. The young spirit that moves our company, and the awareness of the continuous IT innovations of the area, bring the technical office to a constant acquisition of innumerable types of software, for a better adaptation to the customer's working tools and to satisfy even possible needs of on-site collaboration and consulence.
All the Automation Systems Technology projects are performed in the most rigorous respect of the international standards (ISO), European (EN) and national (UNI) of reference and are completed by a technical file, important to offer to the customer the best product possible and above all a good after-sales assistance.
The company's standard includes the realization of different technical files, important for the legislative dispositions of the countries that belong to the European Union and of great importance also for extra EU supplies such as:
- Conformity and origin certificates of the products used in the plant
- Single-line and multi-wire wiring diagrams
- Material BOMs / Recommended Spare parts List
- Software programs
- Manuals
Project management
Automation Systems Technology provides to the customer its technical staff during all phases of a plant supply, from the preliminary analysis to the after sale assistance.
Already in the preliminary study, customer's requests are analyzed in detail technically and a feasibility study is done, looking for the solutions that guarantee the best compromise between technical, economic and qualitative requirements. The initial study ends with the drafting of the preliminary project, that then is discussed updated and eventually re-discussed with the customer, until a fully satisfying solution isn't found out.
During the construction phase, the customer is constantly updated about the progress of the work until the pre-test, which is carried out in our headquarter and allows to verify the full conformity of the plant to the project requirements. Then there is the installation phase at the customer's facility, during which the production and maintenance staff is trained.
In the end, there is the after-sale assistance, supported by local diagnostic systems and remote assistance systems, via dedicated modem or company network.
Every of our orders follows the same phases:
- Collection and detailed analysis of technical specifications
- Definition and validation of functional specifications
- Drafting of the electrical project
- Automation software's programming
- Man/machine software realization
- Automation panel and electrical components of it realization
- Staff training
- After-sale assistance